Abyss Neurax

Abyss Neurax was a brilliantly insane scientist, going far and beyond the concept of 'Mad Scientist'. His most well known, if not most notable creation is the Neurax Clones, housed in the Neurax Barracks prior to the first of seven Containment Breaches. Among his other creations are additions to Phase Technology, Bio-Chemistry altering machines, and a variety of Military and Combat hardware.


Abyss Neurax's origins are shrouded in mystery, with few details known about his life before his now famous (and infamous) creations. Some theories suggest that Abyss Neurax came from another universe, and that his presence in the Kædykos Nebula was related to his cloning project, but no evidence exists to support this.

The earliest record of Abyss Neurax is a shipping manifest for an order of varied raw materials and lab equipment, with his name listed as the buyer.

Neurax Industries

Before Abyss Neurax's decade long rise to the top, he formed Neurax Inc., a company that served as an umbrella for his varied projects, ventures and factories.

Even after his disappearance and rumoured death, Neurax Industries continues to run and oversee his business interests in the Kædykos Nebula and elsewhere, though they have begun to pull out of other markets.

Creation Era

Nearly a decade after his initial appearance in the Kædykos Nebula, Abyss Neurax's inventions, contraptions and experiments went mainstream, and quickly made headlines; Resulting in Neurax being a name known in every household. Below is a list of inventions and services in chronological order of when they became available to the general public.

Publicly Available Creations

Ferrofluid Canisters
- Canisters of Ferrofluid, capable of morphing into objects of the users choice or design. Was sold in various sizes.

Gender Swapping Machine
- An extremely expensive machine that allowed users to swap their gender to a customizable degree. Later iterations allowed users to swap for a set period of time, and automatically morph back to their gender of origin at the chosen time.

- A service that delivered personalized messages in the form of Holograms. Due to the cubed style of the holograms appearance, the service was not particularly popular, and shut down after only 3 years.

Standardized Phase Code Datasets
- Generational sets of Phase Codes to allow for easier route calculation between Phase Receivers and Phase Points.
Pre-cut Homes
- Homes of various designs, layouts and materials prepared and ready for customers to assemble themselves. To this day is still extremely popular in the Kædykos Nebula due to the combination of low cost, customizable designs, and DIY approach.

Military & Private Use Creations

Hybridian Starfighters
- These were a series of highly advanced Starfighters designed and produced in conjunction with Cad Sr. for use by the Hybrid Legion

Railgun SysDefense Platforms
- Large platforms capable of orbiting Planets, Space Stations, and other large objects in the vacuum of Space. Generally ineffective against starfighters and small ships, but terrifyingly effective against capital ships, and large objects.


After nearly four decades of creating, producing and selling amazing products and innovations, Abyss Neurax disappeared without a trace. His assistants came into his office at the headquarters of Neurax Industries to find it empty; Not an uncommon occurrence in and of itself, as Abyss Neurax was known to go on long trips, and be out of the office for months at a time. However, his office was in disarray with cabinets left open, and papers strewn everywhere. Suspecting an intruder, the authorities were called; Their inspection determined that no foul play occurred, and that aside from some folders and data drives, nothing had been stolen.

Nearly a month later, a Gram message was delivered to the office by an automated drone. The full contents of the message have never been publicly released, but excerpts were included in a press release. In these excerpts, Abyss Neurax refers to a 'breakthrough, centuries in the making', 'massive potential', and a 'need to personally oversee this project to completion.

These excerpts would be the last anyone every saw or heard of Abyss Neurax himself.

Death & Legacy

It has never been established wether Abyss Neurax is dead, or even how long he has lived. It is rumoured that Abyss Neurax was killed in one of the Containment Breaches, though which Breach, and how he died, is unspecified.

His various creations serve as his primary legacy, with many still in daily use, though all overshadowed by the Neurax Clones, and the havoc many of which have wrought upon the Multiverse.