Containment Guards

Containment Guards are beings trained in both combat and negotiation, sent out to contain, capture, or defuse dangerous beings or situations

Neurax Barracks Containment Guards

The Neurax Barracks Containment Guards were a sub-class of Containment Guards found at the Neurax Barracks, consisting mostly of Humans, and charged with containing the Neurax Clones and keeping them pacified, until further orders were received.

NBCG Captains took orders directly from A. Neurax; In the aftermath of his disappearance, NBCG Captains unanimously agreed to continue enforcing his last orders: the containment of the Neurax Clones.

Multiverse Containment Guards

Multiverse Containment Guards is a broad group of Containment Guard Divisions, encompassing most notably the Multiverse Maximum Security Prison Containment Guards, the Multiverse Phase Breach Containment Guards, and the Multiverse Biological Threat Containment Guards, the latter two of which were created in response to the Containment Breaches at Neurax Barracks

Multiverse Maximum Security Prison Containment Guards
- The MMSP Containment Guards are primarily tasked with guarding the Multiverse Maximum Security Prison, and its inhabitants.
Multiverse Phase Breach Containment Guards
- The MPB Containment Guards were formed in response to the Rift created by the Seventh Containment Breach of Neurax Barracks, resulting in a massive Phase Breach at the edge of a galaxy. Their primary job is monitoring active Phase Breaches, and responding to new ones as they occur.
Multiverse Biological Threat Containment Guards
- The MBT Containment Guards were formed in response to the bio-weapon attacks perpetuated by the group of Neurax Clones known as ELE. Their primary job is to prevent bio-weapon attacks from happening, contain any that do occur, and apprehend perpetrators of bio-weapon attacks and bio-weapon creators.