Kædykos Nebula

The Kædykos Nebula is an area of space ruled by the descendants of the ancient Vesper, and inhabited by beings of many species.


The Kædykos Nebula was formed by Lowlan, the first-son of the ancient Vesper. He and his father, Vesper, envisioned a realm where all beings were free to live their lives, reliant on nobody but themselves. The current sociopolitical climate in their home system of Hakani was toxic, unsustainable, and on the verge of collapse.

Lowlan ventured out with only a small freighter containing a handful of fellow explorers, one shuttle, some basic supplies, and two Phase Receivers. More resources were available, but Lowlan chose to take only the bare minimum in order to keep a low profile both inside and outside Hakani Space.

After a week traveling through Wild Space, he found a star system perfect for settling. This system would go on to become the capital of the Kædykos Nebula, Vesper Prime.

Buildings were immediately created on the fourth of seven planets in the system, consisting of local woods and clay, combined with technology brought with them. The shuttle was dispatched back to Hakani Space to bring word of this successful settlement back to Vesper, so that a full convoy of settlers and supplies could be arranged, and the Vesper line could leave Hakani Space for good.

Unfortunately, political and military leaders in Hakani Space found out about Vesper and Lowlan's attempt to break away from Hakani Space, and before Vesper could board his cruiser, his shuttle was stopped and escorted back to the ground. The cruisers were barely able to escape Hakani Space with only significant damages incurred from laser fire by the Hakani Military.

Upon the cruisers arrival at the settlement, and their report of the arrest of Vesper and attack on their ships, Lowlan assembled a small task force consisting of 4 loyal friends and himself, to take a shuttle back and attempt to rescue his father Vesper. Leaving his fathers closest friend Recah in charge of the settlement, the task force traveled back to Hakani, and infiltrated the capital city, only to find that Vesper had been executed barely a day before their arrival.

Lowlan and the task force stole Vespers body from the morgue it had been left in, smuggled it aboard the shuttle, and returned to the settlement, vowing that Vespers death would not be in vain, and the settlement would flourish as Vesper had intended.

Early Days to Death of Lowlan

Upon returning to the settlement, Lowlan and Recah buried Vesper in a public ceremony, attended by all the settlers. The spot where he was buried would eventually become Vesper Square, where to this day, Vespers remains are located beneath the plazas center.

Following this, Lowlan and Recah set about expanding and improving the settlement into multiple settlements across the planet, with the other hospitable planets being populated over the next few decades.

One of the major creations from the Early Days is the Vesper Calendar, centered on Vespers death at Year 0 Day 0. The standardized format of timekeeping was kept, with 24 hours in a day, and 365 days in a year.

Over the course of nearly five decades, Lowlan led the settlements from a small group of beings in unfamiliar territory, to a multi-planetary civilization, more than capable of sustaining itself.

In the 47th Year of Vesper, on the 299th day, Lowlan died in his sleep, survived by his three sons, Vesper, Daman, and Khad, as well as his two daughters, Ana, and Bela. A burial ceremony was held in Vesper Square, with the entire planetary population in attendance, and the events broadcasted to the other planets in the system. His body was laid to rest alongside his father Vesper's remains.


Following the death of Lowlan, the settlements lacked a Leader. While no Leader was truly needed, as all the settlers were independent, self-sustaining, and required no governance whatsoever, a Leader was still sought as a formality.

Few settlers had interest in assuming the role of Leader, and of Lowlan's children, only one had any interest in the position: Khad, Lowlan's third-son. When he announced his bid for Leader, the settlements unanimously agreed upon him; He was after all, Lowlan's heir, and had proven himself a capable man during the settlements growth and expansion.

Khad's first actions in his new role of Leader involved setting up a board of representatives from each planet, establishing research centers to expand the settlements technological capabilities, and renaming himself to Kædykos.

Kædykos' life was unusually long, due mostly to his consumption of a drug created when a rare plant found only in underground grottos of Vesper Prime was heavily processed to create a fine brown powder, with rejuvenating properties. Kædykos kept its existence a secret during his reign, but investigations after his death revealed its existence. Tests were performed on it to see if it was viable to grow and produce for common use, but it was found to be extremely harmful in large or repeated doses, reproducing many of Kædykos' later afflictions and ailments in test subjects.

Expansion Period

In the 219th Year of Vesper, a scout-ship from the Hivemind species known as the Zyrkrok arrived in the system, and approached Vesper Prime. The settlements meager combat capable spacecraft were hurriedly launched to meet them, though woefully unprepared should a fight break out.

Representatives from the Zyrkrok met with Kædykos, and though their languages were mutually unintelligible, it was determined by drawings and gestures that the Zyrkrok meant no harm towards the settlements. It was agreed that a delegation of Zyrkrok would stay on the capital planet, to learn our language and exchange knowledge.

Following the departure of the Zyrkrok scout-ship and settling in for the Zyrkrok delegation, Kædykos summoned the board of representatives to discuss forming an Expansionary Fleet that would officially chart and document the surrounding space; All that was then known about this area of Wild Space was the route from Vesper Prime to Hakani Space.

Dissolution of Formal Government




Present Day