Neurax Barracks

The Neurax Barracks were a Military and Scientific blacksite, located inside the 4th Time-Space Dimension.

Abyss Neurax created the Barracks to house the Neurax Clone project, a secret initiative to mass-produce and raise clones of himself.


The Neurax Barracks are located inside of the 4th Time-Space Dimension, currently accessible only via the Neurax Rift, and theoretically accessible by Generation 9 Phase Technology.

No map of the 4th Time-Space Dimension is known to currently exist, and thus there is no way to determine the Neurax Barracks precise location within the dimension; The only way in or out is via the Neurax Rift as of right now. Records recovered from the wreckage of the Neurax Barracks indicate that Abyss Neurax had created a rudimentary map of it prior to his disappearance.


Currently the Neurax Barracks have no inhabitants; The entire population either escaped during one of the seven Containment Breaches, or else died during those Containment Breaches.

Historically, the Neurax Barracks have housed upwards of 730 million Neurax Clones, and a large but ultimately unknown amount of Containment Guards