Neurax Clones

Neurax Clones were Clones of the insane scientist Abyss Neurax.

Created inside a laboratory housed in the depths of Neurax Barracks, millions of Clones were churned out every day, and subsequently housed elsewhere in the Neurax Barracks located inside of the 4th Time-Space Dimension.


It is unclear when the Neurax Clone project started, only that it was created by Abyss Neurax some time during the later end of his 50 years in the Kædykos Nebula and surrounding areas.

Abyss Neurax himself oversaw much of the project, and the Captains of the Neurax Barracks Containment Guard, responsible for guarding the Neurax Barracks, answered only to him.

The day-to-day duties of the project were mostly handled by automated systems, or the Containment Guards with only a handful of scientists on hand to monitor Clone production.


The Neurax Clones escaped into the Multiverse over the course of seven different Containment Breaches, with the final Breach opening the Neurax Rift, and depositing nearly 3,000 Neurax Clones into our galaxy.

The other six Containment Breaches deposited more than 730 million Neurax Clones far and wide across the Multiverse, with a handful appearing in our galaxy, or in other spots in our universe, and many millions into other universes and dimensions.


A variety of Neurax Clone sub-types are known to exist, though many more unaccounted for are suspected to exist as well. Below is a list of known sub-types.

- This sub-type is geared towards Leadership, Tactics, Power and Control, with many being found in positions of power across the Multiverse. Many of the Leaders can be authoritarian, and excessively strict.

- This sub-type has an affinity for puzzles, deception, and technology, with many being extremely instrumental in the Neurax Barracks Containment Breaches, due to their skill with computer systems of all sorts.

- This sub-type was enhanced to be slightly more athletic and muscled than the regular Neurax Clone, but not enough to be easily noticeable.

- This sub-type is unique in being the only Female Neurax Clones in existence