Recommended Mods, Websites, Software and Servers

This is a list of recommended Mods, Websites, Software and Servers, some directly related to NBT and some loosely related but still useful.

Official Archives Modpack

The Shulker Archives has an official Modpack containing many of the mods listed below, alongside the latest release of the Map, all preconfigured and ready to use.

If you aren’t into making your own instances and dealing with Mods, the Modpack is a perfect alternative.

(Fabric) Mods

NBT Editor

  • NBT Editor is the current pinnacle of NBT Editing Mods, making creating and editing items a breeze, with a variety of advanced features, including the ability to Import and Export .nbt files, retrieval of “lost” items via its /get lostitem history command, and its amazing Client Chest, which by default has 100 large chests’ space for items, but can be expanded infinitely.


  • FZMM is a somewhat niche but still incredible mod, offering tons of advanced features like creating Lore Art/Hologram Art, modifying Player Head Data to add custom textures, a GUI for designing Banners, and an excellent array of tools to give text everything from simple colors to beautiful gradients.


  • Map.png allows downloading and converting Minecraft maps to .png images at the press of a keybind, in both Single and Multiplayer gamemodes.

Armor Stands

  • Armor Stands adds a full-featured and easy to use UI for editing Armor Stands. Simply right-click on the armorstand, and begin!


  • Hotbars+ allows switching between multiple hotbar files with ease, allowing for effectively infinite hotbar storage.

Symbol Chat

  • Symbol Chat adds a menu to Chat, Signs, Books, and most other Text Inputs that allows you to use different fonts, and all manner of unicode symbols.

Song Player

  • Song Player plays valid .midi and .nbs song files on Note Blocks. While this alone (and how it does it) is fairly impressive, the NBT aspect comes in with Song Items: Items with song data encoded to them in an NBT tag, allowing sharing of songs so other users can play them without having copies of the files. Now that’s impressive.



  • MCStacker is an online Command/NBT generator that allows you to choose the command and features, and then generates it for you.


  • provides a variety of generators similar to MCStacker, though with a more visually pleasing UI.

Block Display Engine

  • Block Display Engine is a 3D editor and command generator for Minecraft’s display entities, enabling you to bring custom 3D models into your Minecraft worlds without the use of mods or resource packs. The site also contains a library of user-created display entities for use in your world. See also: Block Display Engine App.


  • MapartCraft is the do-it-all site for Mapart, where you can upload an image and customize the dithering, size, blocks used, etc. before either saving the preview image or downloading the map as a Schematic (.nbt) or Data (.dat) file.

Obj To Schematic

  • Obj To Schematic converts 3D model files such as .obj and .glb files into .schematic, .schem, .litematic, .nbt and .json files, with tons of settings to tweak and customize the output.
  • There is also an (older) application version of this site available at LucasDower/ObjToSchematic on GitHub.


  • MCUtils holds a wide array of utilities for Minecraft, ranging from Server Info and Skin Stealers, to Firework Creators and even a database of Noteblock Songs.

Item NBT -> Components

  • Item NBT -> Components is a tool for converting Item NBT data in the form of SNBT to Component data, with output as JSON, Command and SNBT data.


Block Display Engine App

  • Block Display Engine is a 3D editor and command generator for Minecraft’s display entities, enabling you to bring custom 3D models into your Minecraft worlds without the use of mods or resource packs. The app is the same as the website, but in a standalone app format with improved performance.


  • map-to-img is a fairly obscure tool for converting Minecraft maps to images.

MCA Selector

  • MCA Selector is intended to be used as a tool for exporting or deleting chunks from a Minecraft world; What it can also be used for, is mass-editing the NBT of selected chunks. Ever needed to mass-edit the DataVersion tag of several hundred chunks? I have, and MCA Selector did when nothing else could/would!

NBT Studio

  • NBT Studio is one of the best External NBT Editors, capable of editing any .nbt file with ease. Significant knowledge of NBT is needed to use it effectively.


NBT Archives

  • NBT Archives is the largest public collection of Component Data for Minecraft, where users can easily submit their creations for all to see. Join it via!