2 minute read

The Shulker Archives is no longer maintained

I will no longer be maintaining The Shulker Archives site; I will not be adding new entries or completing the data for older entries.

The reasons behind this decision are complicated to say the least, and I could write a whole book explaining the problems and issues.

I will try to sum it up in as few bullet points as possible below:

  • Every entry is subject to decay, with easily half of them already broken due to changes in Minecrafts code
  • There are many entries lacking a proper Description, and the majority of the 1,280 Kits lack Tags; The already streamlined process for adding this is so slow that Minecraft will be multiple major versions ahead before I finish, which circles back to the prior point about decay
  • The site itself is quite horrible. This is partly due to my own lack of skill/knowledge, partly due to me retroactively adding in features, and partly due to a lack of resources for this specific use case
  • Last, but certainly not least, this “Archive” isn’t really an archive. I’ve excluded so many things that it’s really more of a poorly curated collection

There’s many, many more issues, but those are the major ones behind my decision to stop maintaining this.

Now, for the question I’m sure you’re asking:

What happens to the Kits/Items/Books collected?

When I started this, I promised I wouldn’t delete the site or the collection, and I’m going to keep that promise. The site will stay up so long as GitHub allows it, and I’ll make a final release alongside this announcement, which will contain all the files exactly as they are right now.

No files will be deleted, what’s here now will stay here, and you’ll be able to access it as-is.

I simply won’t be adding any more entries, or updating anything else on the site. All the Guides/Resources are updated and correct as of Minecraft Java 1.20.1 and November 13th 2023.

Any potential for a comeback/spin-off?

In the sense of a website displaying a huge collection of NBT? Absolutely not. I now understand why nobody tried to do this before, and why all attempts at other collections (e.g: in-game servers/maps) failed.

At some point in the future I will release a map containing a hand-picked selection of the best entries from the 1,839 on the site; There’s no ETA for it though, and I won’t be posting updates/progress on it anyway. If it releases, it releases.

Please note that this does not mean I will stop collecting Kits/NBT; I have every intention of continuing to grow my collection, I just need to work out a different way of sharing it.

Last Words

So uh, yeah.

Thanks for reading through this, thanks for visiting the site, and I appreciate all the support and interest everybody has shown.


A huge thank you and shout-out to the following people:

  • Parsa__ (inspired the Archives creation)
  • _Win9x_ (provided the initial collection of kits)
  • MarioKartWii (gave feedback, and put up with my rants)
  • iceyou (walking talking NBT encyclopedia, helped fix or prevent tons of technical issues)
  • AbdulFmMicrosoft (feedback, support, has done 90% of the work on the Map)
  • Everybody who sent in Kits and Items :)


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